At the moment Dashly for iOS can be installed via CocoaPod and Swift Package Manager.
Add the following string into the pod file:
pod 'DashlySDK'
In Xcode, click File->Add Package Dependencies...
Then in the window that appears, in the “Search or Enter Package URL” field, paste a link to the SwiftPM repository:
You'll need API Key and User Auth Key to work with Dashly for iOS. Those can be found on Settings - Developers tab:
You should add this code into your app's AppDelegate file in order to initialize Dashly:
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey:Any]?) -> Bool {
withApiKey: key,
successHandler: {
print("Dashly SDK connected")
errorHandler: { error in
print("Dashly SDK error: " + error)
In case your application has user authorization, you might want to send user id to Dashly. There are two ways of authorization: send userAuthKey directly, send hash generated at your backend.
withUserId: userId,
withUserAuthKey: userAuthKey,
successHandler: { dashlyId in
print("Dashly SDK user auth successed, DashlyID = \(dashlyId)")
errorHandler: { error in
print("Dashly SDK user auth error: " + error)
withUserId: userId,
withHash: hash,
successHandler: { dashlyId in
print("Dashly SDK user auth successed, DashlyID = \(dashlyId)")
errorHandler: { error in
print("Dashly SDK user auth error: " + error)
To realize the logout function:
successHandler: {
print("Dashly SDK user logout successed")
errorHandler: { error in
print("Dashly SDK user logout error: " + error)
You can set user properties, using this method:
Where userProperties
is an object of [UserProperty]
class should be used for user properties description:
UserProperty(key: key, value: value)
UserProperty(key: key, value: value, operation: .updateOrCreate)
More info on Operations
can be found in «User properties» section.
field value should not start with $
and EcommerceUProperty
classes should be used to set system properties.
Use the following method for events tracking:
Dashly.shared.trackEvent(withName: name, withParams: params)
where params
is a JSON string with additional set of event parameters
B SDK has the ability to track navigation within the application in order to trigger different trigger messages on specific screens when needed. To do this, use the method:
let name: String = "screenName"
You can give your users an opportunity to start a live chat (with your operator) from anywhere. This can be done two ways - either by adding a floating button or by directly calling a chat openning method at desired moment.
You can use the following method to add chat button:
Dashly.shared.showButton(in: view)
Use this method to hide chat button:
After initialization you can open chat from any place using thix method:
In order for universal links to work correctly when clicking on a link inside the SDK, there is a special method for manually controlling the method of opening links. It can be called anywhere, but preferably somewhere in your AppDeletage/SceneDelegate near the SDK initialization:
import CarrotSDK
CustomUrlOpener.shared.set(for: .chat, customLogic: { url in
// Any custom logic for opening links
As you can see, the first argument that has label for
the 4 available options:
So if you want to handle diplink (universal link) clicks in all places in the SDK, you can write some code like this:
import CarrotSDK
CustomUrlOpener.shared.set(for: .all) { url in
if"YOUR DOMAIN") ?? false {
} else {
If anything, there is no error here. Current versions of swift do not allow you to specify the label of the last closure in a function call.
SDK uses Firebase Cloud Messaging for sending notifications. At the moment you are required to get a key and send it to our support. You can find an input for this key at "Settings" - "Developers" tab of Dashly admin panel. Cloud Messaging setup is described here. fcmToken for Dashly SDK should be set in MessagingDelegate next:
import FirebaseMessaging
import DashlySDK
extension AppDelegate: MessagingDelegate {
func messaging(_ messaging: Messaging, didReceiveRegistrationToken fcmToken: String) {
if let fcmToken = fcmToken {
} else {
print("Dashly SDK error: fcmToken not found")
Add this code into UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate to display notifications:
import DashlySDK
extension AppDelegate: UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate {
func userNotificationCenter(
_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter,
willPresent notification: UNNotification,
withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping (UNNotificationPresentationOptions) -> Void) {
let notificationService = DashlyNotificationService.shared
if notificationService.canHandle(notification) {, completionHandler: completionHandler)
} else {
// user notifications logic
Use this for handling clicks on notifications:
import DashlySDK
extension AppDelegate: UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate {
func userNotificationCenter(
_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter,
didReceive response: UNNotificationResponse,
withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping () -> Void) {
let notificationService = DashlyNotificationService.shared
if notificationService.canHandle(response) {
notificationService.clickNotification(notificationResponse: response)
} else {
// user notifications logic
You should add this code into your app's AppDelegate file in order to initialize Dashly:
#import "DashlySDK/DashlySDK.h"
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
Dashly *dashly = [Dashly shared];
setupWithApiKey: API-KEY
successHandler: ^(){
NSLog(@"Dashly SDK connected");
errorHandler: ^(NSString *error){
NSLog(@"Dashly SDK error: %@", error);
return YES;
In case your application has user authorization, you might want to send user id to Dashly. There are two ways of authorization: send userAuthKey directly, send hash generated at your backend.
Dashly *dashly = [Dashly shared];
authWithUserId: userId
withUserAuthKey: userAuthKey
successHandler: ^(NSString *dashlyId){
NSLog(@"Dashly SDK user auth successed, DashlyId: %@", dashlyId);
errorHandler: ^(NSString *error){
NSLog(@"Dashly SDK user auth error: %@", error);
Dashly *dashly = [Dashly shared];
authWithUserId: userId
withHash: hash
successHandler: ^(NSString *dashlyId){
NSLog(@"Dashly SDK user auth successed, DashlyId: %@", dashlyId);
errorHandler: ^(NSString *error){
NSLog(@"Dashly SDK user auth error: %@", error);
To realize the logout function:
Dashly *dashly = [Dashly shared];
logoutWithSuccessHandler: ^(){
NSLog(@"Dashly SDK user logout successed");
} errorHandler: ^(NSString *error){
NSLog(@"Dashly SDK user logout error: %@", error);
You can set user properties, using this method:
Dashly *dashly = [Dashly shared];
Where userProperties
is an object of [UserProperty]
class should be used for user properties description:
Dashly *dashly = [Dashly shared];
UserProperty *userProp = [[UserProperty alloc] initWithKey: key value: value];
UserProperty *userProp = [[UserProperty alloc] initWithKey: key value: value operation: @"updateOrCreate"];
More info on Operations
can be found in «User properties» section.
field value should not start with $
and EcommerceUProperty
classes should be used to set system properties.
Use the following method for events tracking:
Dashly *dashly = [Dashly shared];
trackEventWithName: name
withParams: params
where params
is a JSON string with additional set of event parameters
B SDK has the ability to track navigation within the application in order to trigger different trigger messages on specific screens when needed. To do this, use the method:
Carrot *carrot = [Carrot shared];
[carrot trackScreen:@"screenName"];
You can give your users an opportunity to start a live chat (with your operator) from anywhere. This can be done two ways - either by adding a floating button or by directly calling a chat openning method at desired moment.
You can use the following method to add chat button:
Dashly *dashly = [Dashly shared];
[dashly showButtonIn: self.view];
Use this method to hide chat button:
Dashly *dashly = [Dashly shared];
[dashly hideButton];
After initialization you can open chat from any place using thix method:
Dashly *dashly = [Dashly shared];
[dashly openChat];
To keep track of the number of unread dialogs:
Dashly *dashly = [Dashly shared];
getUnreadConversationsCount:^(NSInteger count){
NSLog(@"Dashly SDK dialogs count: %ld", (long)count);
and for the number of unread messages:
Dashly *dashly = [Dashly shared];
getUnreadMessagesCount:^(NSInteger count){
NSLog(@"Dashly SDK dialogs count: %ld", (long)count);
In order for universal links to work correctly when clicking on a link inside the SDK, there is a special method for manually controlling the method of opening links. It can be called anywhere, but preferably somewhere in your AppDeletage/SceneDelegate near the SDK initialization:
CustomUrlOpener *opener = [CustomUrlOpener shared];
for: 1
customLogic: ^(NSURL *url){
// Any custom logic for opening links
As you can see, the first argument that has label for
the 4 available options:
So if you want to handle diplink (universal link) clicks in all places in the SDK, you can write some code like this:
CustomUrlOpener *opener = [CustomUrlOpener shared];
for: 3
customLogic: ^(NSURL *url){
if ([[url host] containsString:@"YOUR DOMAIN"]) {
[[CustomUrlOpener shared] openUniversalLink:url];
} else {
[[CustomUrlOpener shared] openBrowserLink:url];
SDK uses Firebase Cloud Messaging for sending notifications. At the moment you are required to get a key and send it to our support. You can find an input for this key at "Settings" - "Developers" tab of Dashly admin panel. Cloud Messaging setup is described here. fcmToken for Dashly SDK should be set in MessagingDelegate next:
#import "DashlySDK/DashlySDK.h"
#import <Firebase.h>
- (void)messaging:(FIRMessaging *)messaging didReceiveRegistrationToken:(NSString *)fcmToken {
DashlyNotificationService *service = [DashlyNotificationService shared];
[service setToken: fcmToken];
Add this code into UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate to display notifications:
#import <UserNotifications/UserNotifications.h>
- (void)userNotificationCenter:(UNUserNotificationCenter *)center
willPresentNotification:(UNNotification *)notification
withCompletionHandler:(void (^)(UNNotificationPresentationOptions options))completionHandler {
DashlyNotificationService *service = [DashlyNotificationService shared];
if ([service canHandle:notification]) {
[service show:notification appGroudDomain:nil completionHandler:completionHandler];
} else {
// user notifications logic
Use this for handling clicks on notifications:
#import <UserNotifications/UserNotifications.h>
- (void)userNotificationCenter:(UNUserNotificationCenter *)center
didReceiveNotificationResponse:(UNNotificationResponse *)response
withCompletionHandler:(void(^)(void))completionHandler {
DashlyNotificationService *service = [DashlyNotificationService shared];
if ([service canHandleWithResponse:response]) {
[service clickNotificationWithNotificationResponse:response appGroudDomain:nil openLink:true];
} else {
// user notifications logic
You need to add a parameter to info.plist of your project:
And make sure that the field has a string value. Briefly, this switches the notification management to manual mode and allows the SDK to function properly. You can read more here.
You can read more about why you need the appGroudDomain clause here.
You can read more about why you need the openLink clause here.
We're delivering messagis via 2 channels, thus same notification can be received twice. Examples: when logging out or quickly deleting a notification there is a possibility of getting the same notification. Notification Service Extension should be created to prevent such behaviour. Choose your project in files list of Xcode, then File/New/Target/Notification Service Extension.
After that register in AppGroup Apple Developer Portal. Identifier App Group should be unique and start with "group.", otherwise it would not be accepted by Xcode.
Add Identifier into Xcode:
1) Choose your project in the files list. 2) Choose your project's name in targets list. 3) Click "+ Capability" in "Singing & Capabitities" tab. 4) Find and choose App Group in droplist. 5) An empty App Group identifiers list will be shown in the tab. Add Identifier previously registered on Apple Developer Portal here. 6) Go back to Targets list. Add App Group into your Notification Service Extension. Add next string to SDK init:
withAppGroup: <group_id>,
You should now add logic into your Notification Service Extension. A new folder with your Notification Service Extension name should have appeared in the files list. Add code into NotificationService.swift:
import UserNotifications
import DashlySDK
class NotificationService: UNNotificationServiceExtension {
var contentHandler: ((UNNotificationContent) -> Void)?
var bestAttemptContent: UNMutableNotificationContent?
override func didReceive(_ request: UNNotificationRequest, withContentHandler contentHandler: @escaping (UNNotificationContent) -> Void) {
self.contentHandler = contentHandler
guard let bestAttemptContent = (request.content.mutableCopy() as? UNMutableNotificationContent) else {
self.bestAttemptContent = bestAttemptContent
let domain = "Identifier previously registered on the Apple Developer Portal"
DashlyNotificationService.shared.deleteDuplicateNotification(withContent: bestAttemptContent, appGroudDomain: domain)
override func serviceExtensionTimeWillExpire() {
if let contentHandler = contentHandler, let bestAttemptContent = bestAttemptContent {
Refresh your pod file and add this:
target 'NotificationService' do
inherit! :search_paths
pod 'DashlySDK'
Lastly, send Identifier previously registered on Apple Developer Portal into show method in UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate:
let domain = "Identifier previously registered on Apple Developer Portal", appGroudDomain: domain, completionHandler: completionHandler)
If you are using Xcode 15 and above, and CocoaPods 1.12.1 and below, you will get a directory error like this:
To fix this, add the following code to the end of your podfile:
post_install do |installer|
installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
target.build_configurations.each do |config|
if config.base_configuration_reference.is_a? Xcodeproj::Project::Object::PBXFileReference
xcconfig_path = config.base_configuration_reference.real_path
IO.write(xcconfig_path,"DT_TOOLCHAIN_DIR", "TOOLCHAIN_DIR"))
Perhaps in the future, CocoaPods will be updated and this code will have to be removed, but for now, it is necessary.
To turn off the debug logs from the SDK's built-in moya, and from the SDK itself, you need to add a special key to your project's info.plist.
XML (Plist)
0 - logs off
1 - logs on