URL API is a part of our JavaScript API. In order to use it, you have to install the JS library (the page must have our script installed).
API works as follows: when a visitor follows a link, he performs an event (an event by this user is tracked) and/or a property of this visitor is identified.
User performs event MyEvent by following this link.
Visitor performs event MyEvent
with param1
event property of val1
and param2
event property of val2
User property $email
of my@email.com
value will be identified for user who follows this link.
User property myvalue
of hello
value will be identified for user who follows this link.
You should mind the correct url encode, “@” - forbidden symbol, thus email should look like my%40email.com
Methods can be combined. For example you’re sending a bulk email
and want to see behavior of users having the link followed.
You are redirecting users to http://example.com/some/page
and want all those users to perform a FromMyEmail
Most email services allow to use tags. For example, Mailchimp has *|URL:EMAIL|*
allowing to insert email (URL-encoded).
Which means, the link will be as follows:
will be auto-replaced with receivers email.