Get app's conversations

This method allows you to receive application conversations. We use this method in the "Inbox" section.




Auth parameters.
Pagination parameters. Pagination is performed by last conversation update time (field last_update) in descending order.
id_as_string parameter.
Parameters which include optional fields of Conversation object.
Optional fields part_last, important_part_last, reply_last, user are included by default

Parameter Type Description
closed Optional[boolean] If filter is set, returns only open (false) or only closed (true) conversations. If not - returns all conversations.
answered Optional[boolean] If filter is set, returns only conversations with operator's (true) or user's (false) last reply. If not - returns all conversations.
delayed Optional[boolean] If filter is set, return only delayed (true) or not delayed (false) conversations. If not - returns all conversations.
assigned Optional[ID / 0] Set operator ID to get conversations assigned to him. If not set, all conversations are returned. You can set 0 and include_not_assigned parameter set to true in order to get unassigned conversations.
tags Optional[Array[str]] Conversation tags filter. If set, only conversations with given tags are returned. If not - returns all conversations.
channel Optional[ID / 0] Channel filter. Set channel ID to get conversations in that channel. If not set - conversations with any channels are returned. Set 0 in order to return conversations without channel.
assistant_type Optional[string] If set, returns conversations managed by assistant. Assistant types: dialogflow, lead_bot, routing_bot, facebook_bot, telegram_bot, widget_bot.
include_no_tags Optional[boolean] Defaults to false. Set true to add conversations without tags to result.
include_not_assigned Optional[boolean] Defaults to false. Set true to add unassigned conversations to result.


Conversations are ordered by last update time (time of last reply in conversation) in descending order.
If assistant_type is not set conversations without user replies are not returned. Conversations managed by assistants will not be returned. If assistant_type is set, delayed, answered, assigned, tags, channel filters are ignored.


The answer will contain an array with Conversation objects.


  "meta": {
    "status": 200,
    "next_after": 1454408108.30303
  "data": [
      "id": 9334799,
      "created": 1454392168,
      "user": {
        "id": 23939391,
        "user_id": "28231",
        "presence": "idle",
        "props": {
          "$name": "Maks",
          "$email": "",
      "channel": {
        "avatar": "",
        "droppable": true,
        "id": 5,
        "name": "Test channel",
        "not_assigned_count": 0,
        "not_read_count": 0,
        "read_permission": null,
        "type": "manual"
      "read": true,
      "replied": true,
      "clicked": false,
      "unsubscribed": false,
      "closed": false,
      "message": null,
      "type": "popup_chat",
      "reply_type": "text",
      "part_last": {
        "id": 10481096,
        "created": 1454412399,
        "conversation": 9334799,
        "body": "Hello! How are u?",
        "read": true,
        "type": "reply_admin",
        "sent_via": "app_desktop",
        "from": {
          "id": 24463,
          "name": "Dima",
          "avatar": "",
          "type": "admin"
      "parts_count": 22,
      "assignee": {
        "id": 24463,
        "name": "Dima",
        "avatar": "",
        "type": "admin"
      "unread_parts_count": 0,
      "last_admin": {
        "id": 24463,
        "name": "Dima",
        "avatar": "",
        "type": "admin"
      "last_update": 1454412399,
      "tags": []


curl -X GET  -H "Authorization: Token XXX" "$self_app/conversations"