Set user properties

Sets (creates, updates, deletes) user properties. Up to 250 properties can be set in one request.



For {id} you can use:

  • Dashly ID
  • Your User ID (in case user with such ID does not exist, new user with such ID is created) (send with by_user_id=true)


Authentification parameters.
id_as_string parameter.

Parameter Type Description
by_user_id Optional[boolean] Should be true in case you're using User ID instead of Dashly ID. Default: false
operations Array[Dict] Array of atomic operations conducted on user's properties. Properties formats
double_subscribe Optional[boolean] Resubscribes unsubscribed user in case $email property is updated. Default: false
parse_custom_props_type Optional[boolean] If set to true, system will automatically detect types of set properties. Default: true
source Optional[Dict] Sets source of received $email and $phone properties.
app Optional[ID] ID of requesting application. Default: calculated based on access token.


You can find indepth info on operations and properties formats here.

Operations are conducted in the same order as in operations array. Serial operations on one property are acceptable.

In case a system property is set you have to use it's system name starting with $. You can look up system properties names here.

As long as this method allows multiple simultaneous operations some operations might be incorrect (for example an incorrect type is set for a system property). In this case in order to save as much correct data as possible request will not return an exception in case there are some invalid operations but will conduct all valid ones. In this case meta will contain:

  • affected_props: List[string] - list of updated properties
  • not_changed_props: List[string] - list of unchanged properties
  • ignored_operations: List[Dict] - list of dictionaries with ignored operations. Dictionaries contain operation and reason, describing the exception.

Custom properties type will be automatically detected by default. For example if value contains "12345" string, property will get 12345 integer instead of a string. In som cases this behaviour is unwanted (for example in case of long integers which are misinterpreted by browsers). Use parse_custom_props_type=false parameter to evade custom properties types autodetection.

System properties type is system-defined and value is always defined in accordance with this type. System property will not be updated in case of type mismatch and request will return an exception (meta.ignored_operations field).

In case the user is unsubscribed from emails (has Unsubscribed status in his user's card), and then provides the same email address on your site, this email address subscription status would not change. Use double_subscribe=true parameter to re-subscribe this user.

source parameter is standart and serves to identify the source of collected email or phone (pop-up, chat-bot, etc). Source helps us collect statistics on contact data collected bu bots and automessages. This is a dictionary which contains "type" field - source type and "id" field (which is optional), which points at exact message. Example: {"type": "popup_small", "id": 123}


data field contains id of user who's properties were updated. meta field contains standart fields plus the following:

  • affected_props: List[string] - list of updated properties
  • not_changed_props: List[string] - list of unchanged properties
  • ignored_operations: List[Dict] - list of dictionaries with ignored operations. Dictionaries contain operation and reason, describing the exception.
  "meta": {
    "status": 200,
    "affected_props": [],
    "ignored_operations": []
  "data": {
    "id": 123123123,
    "app": 12345


Standart Web API exceptions


Set name “Maks” for user with dashlyId=8173131 (our ID):

curl -X POST \
  --data-urlencode "operations=[{"op": "update_or_create", "key": "$name", "value": "Maks"}]" \
  -H "Authorization: Token XXX" \

Set name “Maks” for user with UserId=user-7216 (your ID):

curl -X POST \
  --data-urlencode "operations=[{"op": "update_or_create", "key": "$name", "value": "Maks"}]" \
  --data-urlencode "by_user_id=true" \
  -H "Authorization: Token XXX" \

Set property my-prop with Hello value and increase projects property by 3 for user with UserId=user-721 (your ID):

curl -X POST \
  --data-urlencode 'operations=[{"op": "update_or_create", "key": "my-prop", "value": "Hello"},{"op": "add", "key": "projects", "value": "3"}]' \
  --data-urlencode 'by_user_id=true' \
  -H "Authorization: Token XXX" \